Exclusive Liebenberg Signature Handguns
Purchase Procedure
Should you have an interest in purchasing a Liebenberg Signature Handgun, please click here to be sent to the dedicated email and leave your full name, preferred email address and optional phone number together with the project code (eg. Enigma #3) if applicable. You will be logged in for contact when a pistol is released for sale. Please note this is an encrypted 'no response email'.
Please do not leave messages. You will be contacted by Paul personally when the time comes. None of your personal info will be shared under any circumstances.
The handguns you'll find for sale in 'Paul's Vault' are unique projects that Paul builds when time and inclination allows. Those that are presented on there are builds that are very close to completion and potential buyers should log their interest at the email provided. Historically pistols at this level are scooped up by collectors and insiders but our intent here is to have all interested parties with an equal opportunity to purchase these particular handguns.
As stated before this email is for registration purposes only, you are not committing to anything and there is no charge to be included in the listing.